Armenian GIF to AVI SWF Converter v1.9

GIF to AVI SWF Converter is an easy to use and powerful conversion tool that lets you convert animated GIF formats to AVI and SWF flash files. Ability to define size and quality on converted output files.

Plus, GIF Optimizer which gives you an ability to specify effective range of controls on fine-tuning the display quality and file size of an image for use on the Web or other online media. It’s also useful for webmasters who want to place graphic on the website.


- Convert animated GIF format to AVI and SWF flash files.
- Define Video quality of SWF files.
- Resolution change.
- Easy-to-use interface.

GIF to AVI SWF Converter needs the following hardware requirements:
Pentium compatible CPU
32 MB RAM or more
15 MB free space or more for the software's installation and running
Mouse and Keyboard

GIF to AVI SWF Converter can be run on one of the following systems:
Microsoft Windows 98
Microsoft Windows ME
Microsoft Windows NT
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows 2003
Microsoft Windows Media Center 2005
Microsoft Windows Vista

GIF to AVI SWF Converter is a 32 bit Windows compatible program. It supports all 32 bit Windows operating systems.


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